All About TravelHerd Invoices

In this post, let’s learn all about TravelHerd invoices!  TravelHerd invoices are issued in html email format.  TravelHerd subscribing companies have the option to use the standard format html invoice included with their subscription or request that a custom-designed invoice be programmed for their exclusive use.  In either case, all TravelHerd invoices come complete with a great set of extremely useful features.

Invoices in TravelHerd may be issued for proposals (not yet under deposit) and reservations (under deposit) to the booking agent; if the booking agent is a travel agent, TravelHerd will create a travel agent invoice complete with commission detail, while a direct consumer booking agent will have a direct consumer invoice with no commission detail created for them.  There is also an option to create a client invoice with no commission detail for proposals and reservations made by travel agents, which can be sent to the travel agent’s client.

TravelHerd offers a choice of recipient options for invoices.  Invoices are issued and emailed while within the TravelHerd proposal or reservation to the  travel agent or direct consumer who made the reservation, to the reservation staff agent who created the reservation or to a third party’s email address.  The reservation staff agent may select any combination of these potential invoice recipients.

TravelHerd’s invoice module has been enhanced with an option to issue an email client calendar event when issuing an invoice. The calendar event with deposit due date or final payment due date can be issued along with an invoice to the client (travel agent or direct consumer), the reservation staff agent and/or a third party.

All about TravelHerd invoices

Click on the image to enlarge.

TravelHerd has teamed up with for secure on-line credit card processing. All credit card data entry screens are securely hosted by for enhanced security and confidence.  An option to include a payment button for deposit or final payment, via secure credit card processing, in the TravelHerd invoice can be added by the reservation staff agent when the invoice is issued.   The invoice recipient selects the payment button to make a payment and enters the credit card information on the server via an overlay on TravelHerd scripts.

Finally, two last points all about TravelHerd invoices.  Reservation staff agents also have the option to add personal note to invoices issued by TravelHerd.  All invoices issued are stored in the subscribing company’s TravelHerd database and accessed via the proposal or reservation in TravelHerd.  Click here to schedule a TravelHerd demonstration for your company.

Credit Card Payment Processing using

TravelHerd now incorporates credit card payment procesPay invoice sing using processes over one billion transactions per year for over 430,000 merchants. We selected as our credit card processing partner because of their award winning API integration and customer service.

TravelHerd credit card payment processing is available in our on-line Book Now tour booking engine as well as from invoice emails generated within TravelHerd for any reservation with an open balance. TravelHerd uses the Accept suite.  After much research, we chose the Accept suite as the overlay on travelherdcredit card payment processing solution for TravelHerd for its extensive on-line security and ease of use for the end-user making the payment. This solution is a SAQ-A level PCI compliance.  To make a payment, the credit card information is entered on the server via an overlay on TravelHerd scripts.

All TravelHerd subscriptions have incorporated this value added service.  Subscribing companies may choose to use credit card processing using or not; its use is neither obligatory nor automatic.  TravelHerd subscribing company administrators can activate credit card processing using for their company via an option in their TravelHerd company settings.  Administrators must verify that their credit card processing bank has set up their company credentials with prior to activating this functionality. There is no additional charge to the monthly subscription rate. TravelHerd does not receive remuneration from for this value added service. Click here to schedule a demo for TravelHerd including credit card payment processing using

Book itineraries using database, XML and one-offs

Book itineraries using database, XML and one-offs in TravelHerd. We have combined these various booking methods in one place, per type of service, for ease of booking into your TravelHerd scratchpad for quotes or into your existing TravelHerd proposals and reservations.

Book itineraries using database, XML and one-offsPopular, frequently booked accommodations and services which have been previously stored in your TravelHerd database can be booked into your TravelHerd scratchpad or proposals and reservation from XML interfaces or database items in one single pull down; XML items are flagged. TravelHerd will retrieve current rate information based on the interface mode and supplier. For services which have not been previously-stored in your TravelHerd database, TravelHerd provides links to wider search XML scripts by supplier to find them. When the rates and services are displayed, there is a link to display and store the product details in TravelHerd for current and future use by you and other TravelHerd users at your company.

Accommodations and services booked through an XML interface which have date sensitive information, e.g. seasonal hours of operation, etc., are automatically updated in the TravelHerd database via the XML interface every time an inquiry for these items.

To book non-XML interface or non-database services in TravelHerd, a form screen with fill-in items is provided. TravelHerd can then email the request to the supplier; alternatively, net rates can be entered in the TravelHerd database as well, if booked through suppliers with non-interactive third party systems.

Team TravelHerd put our programming skills to work and utilized valuable client input, based on their experiences constructing custom FITs, into building a robust FIT booking engine which recognizes the various ways components are incorporated into itineraries.  With system flexibility and intuitive, user-friendly design, your reservation agents will be able to book itineraries using database, XML and one-offs in TravelHerd with surety and ease.

TravelHerd WordPress Interface

TravelHerd WordPress interfaceHome of the Herds hosted websites can use the TravelHerd WordPress interface for scheduled tours, specials, hotel descriptions and scheduled activities. The synergy between the two applications saves you from dual information entry and its maintenance. It also precludes the issue of scheduled tours, specials, hotel descriptions and scheduled activities having to be updated in each application when revisions become necessary, thus avoiding out-of-sync data between the two applications. Scheduled activities can generally be described one day or less tours (sightseeing, docent and self-guided) and activities (classes, cultural, sporting, spa and dining, etc.).

Scheduled Tours and Specials

When selling scheduled tours and specials, the information for each specific tour is entered once but the data is utilized in both TravelHerd and your WordPress website using the TravelHerd WordPress interface. The tour selling prices and accruals are entered into your TravelHerd application and dynamically display on the tour’s web pages on your WordPress website. The tour itinerary text, including embedded images, is loaded in your WordPress website and get utilized as the tour’s itinerary in your TravelHerd database. The TravelHerd WordPress interface process saves hours of maintaining dual databases in separate applications with the inherent issue of out of sync data. For companies not selling scheduled tours or specials, the TravelHerd WordPress interface can be used to display sample itineraries with “From” pricing or without any pricing component at all.

Hotel Descriptions and Scheduled Activities

Hotel descriptions and scheduled activities are loaded only once in WordPress posts. The hotel vendor set-up in TravelHerd utilizes the appropriate WordPress post for day to day itineraries created in the TravelHerd booking engine. This functionality includes XML hotel vendors accessed via the TravelHerd XML interface; if using multiple XML vendors for the same hotel, the same description taken from your WordPress post can be used across vendors. The same holds true for scheduled activities, wherein TravelHerd utilizes these WordPress posts, making them ready to book into your TravelHerd itineraries.

Using the TravelHerd WordPress interface also makes it a breeze to set up your scheduled tours and specials for on-line sales using the TravelHerd Book Now (B2C) and TravelHerd Travel Agent Portal (B2B) features. Both TravelHerd Book Now and TravelHerd Travel Agent Portal are excellent avenues to increase your bookings and revenue without the direct interaction with your staff. Contact us today for a TravelHerd demonstration and learn about these exciting features and the TravelHerd application for yourself.

Single or Multiple Itinerary Deviation Feature

The single or multiple itinerary deviation feature in the TravelHerd FIT booking engine allows for a passenger or multiple passengers to deviate from the main itinerary for their own specific activities while staying within the overall main itinerary framework, within a single reservation.  Itineraries using this feature show the main itinerary with the deviations, tagged with their specific travelers names, as they occur.

Single or Multiple Itinerary Deviation Feature

Click on image for expanded view

The single or multiple itinerary deviation feature is particularly useful for reservations with multiple passengers traveling together for most of their journey. Naturally, it is beneficial for both the travel agent or direct consumer who made the reservation to maintain all passengers within a single reservation. A single itinerary and invoice is preferred but when itinerary deviations occur can this be done? For tour operators using TravelHerd, the answer is “Yes!”  Not only can you keep all the passengers within a single reservation but you can detail any and all deviations from the main itinerary by passenger on the actual days they occur within the main itinerary.  Use the Deviations tab and group the components to be shown together on the itinerary sorting by group within the itinerary; you can add optional deviation headers and footers which will appear on the itinerary and the reservation summary.

Flexible profit modules

TravelHerd allows flexible profit modules, for both mark-up and commission, by reservation

TravelHerd has very flexible profit modules.  For mark-up modules, this includes single tier, double tier and mark-up via either division or multiplication; these modules are elaborated upon below.

– Single tier from net cost to selling price with optional seperate mark-ups for travel agents and direct consumers. The mark-up can be done by division or multiplication.

– Double tier from net cost to net selling price and net selling prices to gross selling price. The second step is with optional separate mark-ups for travel agents and direct consumers. The mark-up can be done by division or multiplication.

Mark-up parameters are set company-wide. Lead reservation agents and those with higher authorization levels can set their own mark-up parameters as well as adjust these mark-up parameters for individual components of their choosing within the scratchpad or reservation, as the situation requires.

flexible profit modulesAdditionally, when setting up products in the TravelHerd database, FIT components can be loaded as mark-up per person, mark-up per unit,  pre-calculated per person or pre-calculated per unit.  A flag can be set for components where the selling price and commission cannot be overwritten at the reservation level; this is often used for fixed items such as insurance.

Default commission levels by product type (FIT vs. Tour) are set company-wide. A commission cap can also be set by product type. Lead reservation agents and those with higher authorization levels can set their own commission levels, per reservation or by service, up to the commission cap.  A separate commission level and cap can be set for scheduled tours by departure date.

In both the scratchpad, used when preparing quotes, as well as within an existing reservation or proposal, the profitability based upon the selected mark-up and commission can be displayed for easy reference.

Book Scheduled Tours in One Click

Book scheduled tours and specials with pre-set itineraries, pricing and inventory in TravelHerd.

Book scheduled tours in one clickReservations staff can book scheduled tours and specials, including options and extensions, with pre-set itineraries, pricing and inventory from your TravelHerd database with one click ease and boost your reservations!  Scheduled tours and specials are booked, in either scratchpad or reservations, using TravelHerd’s FIT booking engine in the same manner as booking FIT items.  When reservations staff book scheduled tours, TravelHerd brings the entire tour itinerary and pricing, including any options and/or extensions which have been selected, into the scratchpad or reservation which they are working in.  These scheduled tours and specials may also have single or multi level itineraries and pricing, unique deposit and final payment requirements, and terms and conditions from the company standards or they can default to the company standard requirements, terms and conditions.

For tour operators whose primary business is selling pre-packaged tours, TravelHerd offers an ideal way for their reservations staff to quickly book scheduled tours without having to assemble itineraries from separate database components. With one click, the tour is booked, with its complete itinerary and pricing, and the tour departure’s inventory is debited at the same time.  Scheduled tours can also include options, pre- post- or within the tour’s itinerary, which reservations can offer to clients, at extra cost, when booking the tour and increase the total sale.

For tour operators whose business is primarily more complex FITs but who also offer scheduled tours and specials, being able to book scheduled tours and specials with pre-set itineraries, pricing and inventory represents a quick way to book scheduled tours, including those with pre- and post- extensions and within-tour options, and increase your sales and profits.  Booking scheduled tours and specials is also an extremely useful way for newer, less-experienced reservation staff quickly make reservations while gaining important product knowledge and contributing to your company’s sales.

Book Now online reservation portal

Book NowSell scheduled tours and specials from your TravelHerd database online via the Book Now online reservation portal and boost your reservations!  The Book Now module utilizes a pre-formatted link on your website to the TravelHerd application. Tours offered may also have single or multi level itineraries and pricing as well as in-tour options and pre and/or post extensions.  When a visitor to a TravelHerd subscribing company’s website clicks on the Book Now online reservation portal link, they are presented with the large main image of the selected scheduled tour with a calendar detailing upcoming scheduled departures for that tour and an option to revise the room requirement(s) as needed. For those TravelHerd subscribing companies using the TravelHerd WordPress interface, the itinerary and database loading offers of scheduled tours and specials a more streamlined process.

  • Offer scheduled departure tours with single level or multiple levels (Deluxe, Standard) and pricing
  • Sell extensions and/or additional optional services (e.g. day tours, etc.) at time of booking
  • Tour inventory can be on either per person, # of rooms or room type; zero inventory shows as “On Request”
  • Flexible departures: daily, weekly, monthly, individual departures and more
  • Receive instant notification of new Book Now reservations/requests

The calendar display details the first instance of a scheduled tour which can be booked or requested, as you have the option to cut-off online sales x days out.  For days when the tour operates, it will display the per person double occupancy rate and indicate whether it is on request or available for instant confirmation. The room requirement is set to 1 double occupancy room with an option to easily revise the room requirement(s), both in quantity and room occupancy type, and the calendar will redisplay with the rates and availability based on the new room requirement.  The calendar can be advanced to other months, as required.  Select a departure date, to reveal the large, main image of the selected scheduled tour followed by a detailed day-to-day itinerary including any embedded images.

Book NowUpon selection of a tour departure date from the display, a total gross selling price with a per person breakdown is calculated and the visitor is prompted to enter their email address.  If the email address entered is known to your TravelHerd database, the visitor’s required contact details will be displayed. Visitors with email addresses unknown to your TravelHerd database will be required to enter their contact details. In either case, the passenger names, genders, optional dietary requirements, and country of passport issue must be entered prior to submission; these details can be updated later in TravelHerd by your staff, if required. Terms and Conditions, either for your company or tour-specific are also detailed at the bottom of the screen display.

Upon submission, a proposal is created in TravelHerd and the purchaser is emailed a combined itinerary-invoice which also details the payment terms. An email is also generated to the TravelHerd subscriber advising the proposal, tour and departure date, rooming requirement and the purchaser’s contact information. A unique email address at your company can be assigned for Book Now email communications.  The on-screen display will then update to a thank you message which reiterates the tour information which they’ve now booked.  The reiteration also includes pricing and, if the purchaser’s email address is a travel agent in your TravelHerd database, the commission amount.  When the reservation is completed, accruals are automatically added to the proposal, if they have been loaded into your database for the specified tour. Book Now reservations are tagged with WWW for easy identification.  TravelHerd’s Book Now online reservation portal is a boost to your company’s reservations and a great adjunct to your sales and marketing efforts!

FIT Booking Engine

TravelHerd has a unique FIT booking engine consisting of a scratchpad to produce quick quotes and the reservations module for highly customized FITs, scheduled tours and other travel options. The scratchpad and the reservations module both utilize XML, vendor web sites and the internal database in TravelHerd in the booking process. Items added to the scratchpad can be generated into a proposal with the inclusion of the booking agent’s information, whether they are a travel agent or a direct consumer. Proposal and reservation itineraries and invoices can be emailed to booking agent/now client.

FIT Booking EngineServices queried via an XML interface can be stored in the TravelHerd database, based to the user’s  authorization level. Stored services for hotel, land and transfers display at the top of the list of available options, thus directing entry level reservation agents to preferred product. Booking from the stored services is faster because queries are made based on a single item as opposed to searching by destination. The default flag is set to display only refundable services with an option to show all services. Queries may also be done based on available services, e.g. star rating, business center, swimming pool, etc. for hotels, with similar options for land and transfers.

TravelHerd takes the net costs from the supplier and adds a mark-up in one of following ways:

  • Single step multiply if the markup is higher than 1 or divide is the the markup is less the 1.
  • Double step multiply if the markup is higher than 1 or divide is the the markup is less the 1.
  • A separate mark-up can be set for travel agents and direct consumers.
  • TravelHerd supports two exchange rates per currency, one for buying and one for selling.

The TravelHerd reservation module uses the same principle as the scratchpad for additions and revisions to an existing reservation.

The single or multiple itinerary deviation feature in the TravelHerd FIT booking engine allows for a passenger or multiple passengers to deviate from the main itinerary for their own specific activities while staying within the overall main itinerary framework, within a single reservation.  Itineraries using this feature show the main itinerary with the deviations, tagged with their specific travelers names, as they occur.

Multiple level inventory for scheduled tours

The TravelHerd tours module offers multiple level inventory for scheduled tours based on one of the following inventory types:

  1. Number of persons
  2. Number of rooms
  3. Number of Singles or Twin/Double

Additionally, a single tour can be provided with multiple pricing levels. The nomenclature for the pricing level is controlled by the client. Pricing levels and inventory type can be revised from season to season or ad hoc as required. The scheduled tour inventory set-up details the inventory usage for previously entered tours. In the event of occupancy based inventory, actual inventory is not required for every occupancy type. TravelHerd will confirm from scheduled tour inventory what is available, i.e. twin confirmed, single on request. Online sales of tours book from the same inventory and follow the same inventory rules; the online buyer of a scheduled tour is advised what can be confirmed at the time the buyer makes booking.

multiple level inventory for scheduled tours

With multiple level inventory for scheduled tours, tour inventory is set to zero as soon as the release date has been reached. The release date is set as a number of days  prior to the tour departure date. A more strict online cut-off number of days prior to departure can be set in the TravelHerd company settings. Availability is calculated by counting actual confirmed persons, rooms or occupancy types including temporarily-held persons, rooms or occupancy types booked or in-process bookings made by the internal sales consultants/reservation agents. This ensures that true availability is shown at all times. A TravelHerd report displays temporarily-held inventory booked or in-process bookings made by the internal sales consultants/reservation agents, confirmed inventory as well as tour inventory on request.

TravelHerd can also accommodate tours with shared inventory. These may be Land-only and Land and Air tours or Complete itinerary/Partial itinerary tours. In these situations, TravelHerd allows for shared inventory for the related tours.