TravelHerd allows flexible profit modules, for both mark-up and commission, by reservation
TravelHerd has very flexible profit modules. For mark-up modules, this includes single tier, double tier and mark-up via either division or multiplication; these modules are elaborated upon below.
– Single tier from net cost to selling price with optional seperate mark-ups for travel agents and direct consumers. The mark-up can be done by division or multiplication.
– Double tier from net cost to net selling price and net selling prices to gross selling price. The second step is with optional separate mark-ups for travel agents and direct consumers. The mark-up can be done by division or multiplication.
Mark-up parameters are set company-wide. Lead reservation agents and those with higher authorization levels can set their own mark-up parameters as well as adjust these mark-up parameters for individual components of their choosing within the scratchpad or reservation, as the situation requires.
Additionally, when setting up products in the TravelHerd database, FIT components can be loaded as mark-up per person, mark-up per unit, pre-calculated per person or pre-calculated per unit. A flag can be set for components where the selling price and commission cannot be overwritten at the reservation level; this is often used for fixed items such as insurance.
Default commission levels by product type (FIT vs. Tour) are set company-wide. A commission cap can also be set by product type. Lead reservation agents and those with higher authorization levels can set their own commission levels, per reservation or by service, up to the commission cap. A separate commission level and cap can be set for scheduled tours by departure date.
In both the scratchpad, used when preparing quotes, as well as within an existing reservation or proposal, the profitability based upon the selected mark-up and commission can be displayed for easy reference.